Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 months!

My baby is 2 months old today!  Actually her 2 month birthday was yesterday and we sure did celebrate!  We had a lot of little fun activities planned.  Emmie has been such a little ham lately.  She was so smiley on her 2 month birthday.

This is the first smile I've been able to catch with the camera.  I think she looks so mischievous here.
Yesterday after we had our 2 month photo session in the nursery:


Shan's parents, Shan and I took Emmie, Bentley and Bentley's brothers to the park.  We had a mini photo session with Emmie there in a summer dress that she will never be able to wear again.  It has been getting colder so I just wanted to get a few pictures of her in that little dress.  Here are some of my favorites from yesterday.

Emmie at 2 months:

-sure has been smiling a lot more lately
-wearing 0-3 months clothes, but mostly 3 months and they are starting to get snug
-wears size 1 diapers
-"talks" to us, sometimes it sounds like she is fussing at us
-loves to spend about 30 minutes in her play mat talking to her "friends" the bees
-taking 4.5-5 ounces about every 4-5 hours
-by my scales, weighs about 13 pounds!    
-has been sleeping during the night for 4-5 hour stretches at a time
-really loves to be held
-still will NOT take a paci, she spits it back out
-has been doing this really funny squeal whenever we are feeding her and stop to burp her (she wants the bottle back in her mouth ASAP)

Emmie's great grandparents are in town (Shan's grandparents) so we took her over for a visit last night before the Panthers game.  It is always great to see them and I know they love doting on a new grandbaby (great-grandbaby).

Change of plans:  I will be returning to work this Thursday and Friday so there may not be a lot of blogging until we all get settled and into our routine.  I know I've already spoke on here about how unexcited I am about returning to work, so please pray for me that this will be a smooth transition and I will actually be able to survive being a working mom!

HAPPY 2 MONTHS EMMIE!  We love you baby!

1 comment:

  1. tiffers,
    i just nominated you for the "your blog is FABULOUS" award!
    see mine (http://jacquelinehsmith.blogspot.com/2009/09/im-fabulous.html) for instructions!!
